So maybe you have been thinking about learning to meditate or maybe you have been meditating for a while.. Why would you consider a weekend retreat?
Retreats offer the opportunity to go deeper in your meditation as there are less time restraints and interruptions. Taking a weekend out from everyday life takes you away from the distractions that may nag at you when you are meditating at home. Being with a group of people also intensifies the atmosphere and helps you to move forward faster in your spiritual practice – plus we all learn from each other and it helps us to see different things about ourselves when we are away in a group of like-minded people.
It is also important in my experience to give myself that time for myself – so often our weekends can be full of doing things for other people, or catching up on chores and work. A weekend on a retreat recharges your batteries so that you have more energy for the everyday things in life.
A retreat can also give you tools to cope with stress, anxiety and the demands of busy 21st century life. Taking some time away from the computer, tv and mobile phones gives your mind some space to breathe, calm down and therefore become more focused.
How A Retreat May Benefit You:
1. Rediscover “you” and connect with your spirit
2. Reduce stress
3. Allow your body, mind and spirit time to heal & rejuvenate
4. Increase creativity, energy
5. Learn tools and strategies to make the changes you desire
6. Create more positive feelings and joy into your life
7. Release and heal old stuff
8. Learn to trust and use your intuition
So make that commitment to yourself and schedule yourself a weekend away on a retreat – meet new people, learn some new techniques, deepen your relationship with the most important person in your life – YOU.
I have just a few spaces left on my next retreat: Journey to the heart – a meditation retreat for women being held in February.
To book contact me on 0466 525404 or fill out my contact form for more details.
Further retreats will be held in the future so sign up to my newsletter on the Home page.