5 ways to choose a natural approach to your health in 2014

Imagine a world where we all ate only foods we grew, raised or made ourselves – that were fresh and in season. Imagine that we spent most of our time active and outdoors, that we related openly and happily at all times with our friends, neighbours and community. That we had time to relax, time to work, time to play? Sound like your holidays or a dream?!
How would our physical health be though if we lived free from processed and convenience foods, that we looked after ourselves out of a natural habit instead of it being an effort?
In reality in the 21st century we have become slaves to time and to doing instead of being.
Most of our food is less than fresh – even fruit and veggies from the supermarket have been in transit or storage for a long time.We spend more time indoors than outside… and spend more time reading blogs and facebook than out in the garden tending to a veggie patch!
A natural approach to your health and therefore your life doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming or even expensive. Most times it is simply a matter of a change in priorities.
So here are 5 suggestions for simple things you can do in 2014 to have a more natural approach to your life.
1) Go for a walk every day for 20-30 mins. Research has shown that ealking can improve many aspects of health, including mood, depression, headaches, heart health – the list could go on. Walking with a friend is even better! Check this article out for more ideas.
2) Spend 10 mins twice a day, morning on evening on a meditation or relaxation practice. Start with something simple like observing your breath, a guided meditation or progressively relaxing each muscle in your body. Or join me at one of my classes to learn more techniques and improve those you have. Meditation has so many amazing effects on your health as stated here.
3) Try out a new food you have never tried before – something from the fruit and veggie isle or the health food shop – have you ever used coconut oil, cacao, goji berries, dragon fruit, tahini or salad sprouts?? There is so much variety these days so try something new! Substitute a new herbal tea for a cup of coffee or try a new salad instead of a sandwich at lunchtime. The possibilities are endless!
4) Start a herb or veggie patch in your garden or on your balcony/patio. Most hardware stores and even supermarkets sell seedlings these days so just start with one or two and see how much happiness can be gained from growing your own. Caution – growing your own can become addictive!!
5) Put aside an hour a week just for you – use it to do something you haven’t done before or don’t do often – go for a massage, learn a language or a musical instrument, have a long bath… whatever you want to do – do it now! Put that hour in your diary so that you don’t forget – and make it a priority!
The key to better health is prevention. Don’t wait until you get sick to do the above or to see your Natural Health Practitioner. The likelihood is that at this time of year with the holidays and having some time off work is that you are feeling great! Maintain that when life gets crazy again by implementing the above – and make an appointment to see your Practitioner, taking regular homeopathic medicines or going to a weekly meditation class can help support your health so that you get sick less often, stay happier. Then even if and when you do get sick it affects you less because you have been looking after yourself!